Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030403.
Yi Jiang
National Land Surveying and Mapping Institute, Shandong, China
Nature reserve management requires the processing and analysis of large amounts of information and map data, so artificial intelligence meets the practical needs of nature reserve management. The aim of this paper is to study artificial intelligence-based technologies for nature conservation environments. In order to solve the outstanding problems in the environmental management of the M Mountain Nature Reserve, an environmental management information system for the M Mountain Nature Reserve was designed through feasibility and requirement analysis. Based on the large amount of images and measurements collected, the visualstudio 2008 development tool was used to classify the wetland system of M Mountain Nature Reserve using the arcGIS mechanism as the development platform and making full use of the functions of GIS components. The results show that the M Mountain Nature Reserve is extremely rich in wetland types, with marshes being the main wetland type in the area, accounting for 95% of the total wetland area. Based on the full consideration of the natural environment of M Mountain Nature Reserve, it provides a basis for the development of wetland environmental protection in M Mountain Nature Reserve.
Artificial Intelligence, Conservation of the Environment, Nature Reserves, Wetland Classification
Yi Jiang. Environmental Technologies for Nature Conservation Incorporating Artificial Intelligence. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 23-31.
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