Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(1); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030102.
Hongrong Hou
Philippine Christian University, Philippine
Forestry plays an important role in social, economic and ecological aspects, the fundamental way to improve the ecological environment lies in the development of forestry, forestry is the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems, sustainable development is inseparable from the ecological security of forestry and the coordinated development of forestry industry, farmers as the microscopic subject of forestry construction, is the most important participant, so consider the will of farmers for forestry construction has an important role. Therefore, it is important to consider farmers' wishes for forestry construction. Therefore, in this paper, we take the example of the A and B areas of city H to study the forestry ecology and natural environment protection strategy. The paper first analyses the current situation of forest resources and the sustainable development of forestry tourism in city H, then examines the contents related to ecological safety in forestry, and finally, the research and analysis of forestry ecological environmental protection strategies.
Forestry Industry, Ecological and Natural Environment, Environmental Protection Strategy, Sustainable Development
Hongrong Hou. Protection Strategy of Forestry Ecological Natural Environment. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 9-17.
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