Nature Environmental Protection, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2020.010301.
Marwan Ghanem
Department of Mathematics, Kuwait University—Khaldiya Campus, Safat 13060, Kuwait
Due to the rapid development of industry in the market economy, a series of pollution problems have been brought accordingly. Among them, industrial sewage, domestic sewage treatment and other problems have seriously damaged the ecological environment and become one of the most critical issues to be solved for environmental protection nowadays. Therefore, this paper adopts biotechnology to treat domestic wastewater and explores the removal rate of COD, ammonia nitrogen, TP and TN in wastewater by displaced biochemical tank wastewater treatment process, and compares the treatment effect of displaced ball packing and combined packing with ordinary combined packing as reference. The results showed that the removal rate of each pollutant increased with the increase of water retention time of the displaced biochemical tank and the increase of the amount of filler in the biochemical tank, and the removal effect of the displaced ball filler on pollutants was significantly better compared with the combined filler.
Biotechnology Analysis, Environmental Protection, Wastewater Treatment, Displaced Biochemical Tank
Marwan Ghanem. Natural Ecological and Environmental Protection Strategies Based on Biotechnology Analysis. Nature Environmental Protection (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 1-9.
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