Nature Environmental Protection, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2020.010306.
Hooman Khan
Tamale Technical University, Ghana
The coordinated development(CD) of environment and economy is the key to the sustainable development of society. With the constant acceleration of economic development(ED), urbanization and industrialization in various cities, as well as the increase of population and unreasonable use of resources in recent decades, a series of environmental and economic problems have been brought to the healthy development of society. Therefore, this paper focuses on the analysis of the methods of social development(SD) and natural environment(NE) protection, discusses the relevant theories of the relationship between ED and NE and their mutual coordination, and analyzes the benefits of the mutual coordination between ED and environmental protection(EP); By building a coupling relationship model between SD and NE protection, this paper analyzes the analysis of SD and NE protection based on the industrial development and NE protection in Area M, and then puts forward countermeasures for the coordination between SD and NE protection, which is of great significance for the harmonious development of nature and society.
Social Development, Natural Environment, Environmental Protection, Economic Development
Hooman Khan. On Social Development and Natural Environment Protection Method Research. Nature Environmental Protection (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 47-56.
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