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Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020102.

Construction of River Sewage Treatment System Based on Decision Tree Algorithm and Wireless Communication Technology


Rahmanto Rahmanto

Corresponding Author:
Rahmanto Rahmanto

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, 03043 Cassino, Italy


The development of wireless communication technology has made it possible for modern river sewage treatment technology to be unsupervised and remotely monitored. Nowadays, with the help of mobile internet platforms and terminals, and based on modern wireless communication technology, building a flexible and easy to control river sewage treatment network monitoring system has become the strategic goal of river sewage treatment in various countries. With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, wireless communication is being widely used. Applying this communication technology to the network control system can transform the traditional data acquisition method into remote wireless data acquisition, and realize the interconnection of Internet terminal equipment. With the development of wireless communication technology, modern river sewage treatment technology can be controlled without supervision and remote monitoring. Nowadays, the use of modern wireless communication technology, mobile Internet platform and terminals to establish a flexible and easy-to-monitor river wastewater monitoring system has become the forefront of river wastewater treatment. Based on this, this paper first proposed to establish an effective treatment system according to the river water pollution discharge situation, and focused on accelerating the construction of sewage treatment system, so as to accelerate the construction and treatment level of sewage centralized treatment facilities. The importance of strictly controlling industrial sewage discharge was discussed, and it is necessary to strengthen the treatment of tourism sewage. After that, this paper proposed to use wireless communication technology to strengthen the river sewage treatment system, and discussed the process of wireless communication technology in the river sewage treatment, thus proposed to use wireless communication technology to build the river sewage monitoring system. The improved decision tree algorithm was proposed to strengthen the construction of river sewage treatment system. Through comparison, it can be seen that the real-time monitoring perfection of the new river sewage treatment system was 0.32 higher than that of the traditional river sewage treatment system, and the sewage discharge treatment intensity was 0.25 higher than that of the traditional river sewage treatment system. The water pollution control effect of the new river sewage treatment planning system was 29.1% higher than that of the traditional river sewage treatment planning, and the ecological restoration effect was 24.8% higher than that of the traditional river sewage treatment planning.


River Flow Sewage Treatment, Wireless Communication Technology, Decision Tree Algorithm, Sewage Treatment System

Cite This Paper

Rahmanto Rahmanto. Construction of River Sewage Treatment System Based on Decision Tree Algorithm and Wireless Communication Technology. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 11-21. https://doi.org/10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020102.


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