Nature Environmental Protection, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2021.020105.
Frey Davide
KIT, Abt Lebensmittelchem & Toxikol, IAB, Adenauerring 20a, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
With the rapid development of social economy, the material living standard of residents is also constantly improving, which also leads to the higher and higher pursuit of living conditions and spiritual satisfaction of residents. At this time, the pollution control and protection of the natural ecological environment has attracted the attention of more researchers. In the protection of natural ecological environment, it is not only necessary to protect the environment around the city, but also to control the ecological environment around the rural areas. The protection of rural natural ecological environment can not only purify the pollution of the ecological environment from the source, but also enable various types of food to grow in a healthy ecological environment. The current pollution of the natural ecological environment in rural areas includes not only the pollution of household waste, but also the pollution of waste in the process of industrial development. Therefore, the current protection of the natural ecological environment in rural areas also needs in-depth discussion. At present, the pollution of the natural ecological environment in rural areas has not been given enough attention. On the one hand, rural areas are vulnerable to the constraints of resource shortage and traffic inconvenience, and on the other hand, it is also related to the inadequate cultivation of environmental protection awareness of rural residents and the lack of relevant environmental protection infrastructure. Big data (BD) technology has put forward more ideas for the protection of the natural ecological environment, so it has also been paid attention by more and more researchers. Through the in-depth study of BD technology, this paper proposed a new rural natural ecological environment protection strategy of BD information system, and finally determined that this new environmental protection strategy has increased by about 37.4% in many aspects compared with the existing protection strategy.
Rural Environment, Environmental Protection, Big Data, Information System
Frey Davide. Ecological Strategy of Rural Natural Protection Environment Based on Big Data Information System. Nature Environmental Protection (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 41-49.
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