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Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020402.

Exploration on the Relationship between Water Pollution Prevention and Control Based on Grey Correlation Analysis


Hyunjun Shin

Corresponding Author:
Hyunjun Shin

Tamale Technical University, Ghana


The construction of ecological civilization is an important symbol of sustainable development. To establish and realize the concept of silver mountain and gold mountain is green mountain, it is necessary to develop civilization, enrich life and adhere to ecological health. With the development of industry, the acceleration of urbanization and the expansion of population, cities are facing a very serious environmental situation. Many rivers are often full of rotten food and unpleasant smell, and serious water pollution (WP) directly threatens the safety of drinking water and the living conditions of residents. The grey correlation analysis (GRA) method is a comprehensive evaluation method, which eliminates the influence of human factors and makes the evaluation results more objective and accurate. In this paper, the GRA method was used to study the methods of WP prevention and control. In this paper, the GRA method was used to evaluate water quality, and then the correlation degree of factors affecting WP was calculated. The WP comparison index was determined by selecting the reference index of “sewage to diameter ratio” acting on the WP system, and the grey correlation degree of each comparison index was calculated. In the experiment part, the effect of water quality evaluation was tested. The research showed that the GRA method had a good effect of water quality evaluation, and the accuracy rate reached 95%. Finally, according to the correlation degree of WP influencing factors, this paper put forward suggestions on WP prevention and control methods. 


Water Control, Grey Correlation Analysis, Water Quality Evaluation, Calculation of Correlation Degree

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Hyunjun Shin. Exploration on the Relationship between Water Pollution Prevention and Control Based on Grey Correlation Analysis. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 13-21. https://doi.org/10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020402.


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