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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction, 2021, 2(3); doi: 10.38007/IJETC.2021.020304.

Exploration and Practice of the Integration of Forest Engineering Specialty and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education


Mohapatra Sims

Corresponding Author:
Mohapatra Sims

University of Ankara, Turkey


Innovative entrepreneurship education is in line with the needs of social development, and is the only way to improve college students' adaptation to society and improve their overall quality. Based on professional characteristics and advantages, the forest engineering specialty focuses on improving the quality of personnel training and focuses on the talent training mechanism. This paper focuses on the innovative talent training mechanism, integrates the concept of innovation and entrepreneurship education into the undergraduate talent training program, and integrates innovation and entrepreneurship education in the classroom teaching and professional practice teaching. Thus, a new system of engineering and environmental disciplines, research and application integration, classroom teaching and innovation and entrepreneurship content is constructed. Practice has shown that the quality of forest engineering professionals has been greatly improved, and students' innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and innovation and entrepreneurship have been significantly enhanced.


Forest Engineering, Innovation, Reform, Practice

Cite This Paper

Mohapatra Sims. Exploration and Practice of the Integration of Forest Engineering Specialty and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 47-55. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJETC.2021.020304.


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