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International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management, 2023, 4(2); doi: 10.38007/IJSSEM.2023.040210.

Tracing and Analysis: The Change of Life Political Labor and Labor Intelligence


Zhaozhan Yang

Corresponding Author:
Zhaozhan Yang

School of Marxism, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, Anhui, China


Living world intelligence to human production and living practice has brought revolutionary change, this change has a very important impact on today's world. Although we are far removed from the era in which Marx lived, we are still in the process of the transition from capitalism to socialism that Marx defined. With the continuous improvement of social productivity and the rapid development of science and technology, information, networking and intelligentization have accelerated the pace of human history, and correspondingly, human thinking consciousness, life style has also undergone great changes. How to understand the change of living style has become the key to explain the development of the current era. This paper collects and collates the literature about the influence of intelligent living style on human society. This paper analyzes and generalizes the present stage of labor mode performance, related theory and commonly used labor value theory method. Finally, the shortcomings of the existing research results and the direction of further work are summarized.


Living Style, Labor Theory of Value, Intelligent Technology

Cite This Paper

Zhaozhan Yang. Tracing and Analysis: The Change of Life Political Labor and Labor Intelligence. International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 2: 70-83. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJSSEM.2023.040210.


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