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International Journal of World Medicine, 2023, 4(3); doi: 10.38007/IJWM.2023.040306.

Application of Single Cell Transcriptome Sequencing Technology in Ophthalmology Related Research


Hua Chai, Lingyun Qiang, Juanying Li, Guoyu Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Guoyu Zhang

Department of Ophthalmology, Gansu Province Hospital Rehabilitation Center, Lanzhou730000, Gansu, China


Single-cell transcriptome sequencing (scRNA-seq) is an emerging single-cell sequencing technology in recent years, which can achieve a comprehensive and complete complete transcriptome expression profile at the level of a single cell, and play an important and key role in further discovering rare cell types and subtypes, and clarifying more effective cell-specific markers. The application of this sequencing technology in the medical field can better observe and clarify the differences between each single cell and each subtype of single cell. At present, the technology of scRNA-seq has been widely used in clinical tumor diagnosis and treatment, reproduction, obstetrics and gynecology, immunization, neuroscience, microbiology and other fields. In recent years, the application of this technology has been increasingly extensive. At present, the application of this technology in the field of ophthalmology has also gradually increased, and it has played a certain role in the human visual system, especially in the research of retinal development, related cell differentiation, and related organ formation process, suggesting that this technology can explore relevant molecular mechanisms in eye injury repair. Providing help for the discovery of targets and markers of ophthalmology-related diseases may provide new ideas for subsequent ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, we will review the application progress of scRNA-seq technology in ophthalmology and disease research.


Single Cell, Transcriptome Sequencing Technology, Ophthalmology, Heterogeneity

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Hua Chai, Lingyun Qiang, Juanying Li, Guoyu Zhang. Application of Single Cell Transcriptome Sequencing Technology in Ophthalmology Related Research. International Journal of World Medicine (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 3: 48-54. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJWM.2023.040306.


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