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International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050102.

On the Role of English Dance Literature in the Study of Dance Theory


Sihan Li

Corresponding Author:
Sihan Li

Beijing Dance Academy, Beijing 100081, China


With the expanding perspective of international theoretical research on choreography theory and the increasingly close relationship between the development and practice of world dance under globalization, Chinese choreography researchers have paid more attention to the historical and current western dance literature. On the one hand, historical data were obtained from the past western dance literature to produce research on dance historical data; On the other hand, through the self-report of dancers with certain research significance or the inductive analysis of dance researchers, we can obtain the cognitive and judgment results of dance thoughts and artistic laws at that time, that is, the research on dance thoughts and laws; And through the re study of dance theory, we can obtain the reference and reflection of research experience, that is, the re study of dance research.


English Dance Literature, Research on Dance Theory

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Sihan Li. On the Role of English Dance Literature in the Study of Dance Theory. International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 5-9. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050102.


[1]Beaujoyeulx.“ Ballet Comique de La Reine”,in Selma Jeanne Cohen and Katy Matheson (eds.), Dance as a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present, Princeton Book Company, Publishers, 1992, pp.19-85.

[2]Yu Ping. The Original Occurrence and Historical Construction of Chinese Dance. Shanghai Music Publishing House, November 2020: p.2

[3]Jean Georges Noverre. “Two Letters on Dancing”, in Selma Jeanne Cohen and Katy Matheson (eds.), Dance as a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present, Princeton Book Company, Publishers, 1992, pp.57-64.

[4]Isadora Duncan “The Dancer of the Future”, in Selma Jeanne Cohen and Katy Matheson (eds.), Dance as a Theatre Art: Source Readings in Dance History from 1581 to the Present, Princeton Book Company, Publishers, 1992, pp.123-129