International Journal of Multimedia Computing, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJMC.2024.050101.
Huiheng Suo, Tengsheng Yang, Qiang Hu, Jian Wu, Xie Ma, Qingwei Jia, Zizhen Chen, Xiushui Ma
Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang, China
Aiming at the traditional A* algorithm in solving the robot path planning, there are the problems of longer path trajectory and computation time, more nodes for searching, and the path is not smooth enough. In this paper, an improved A* algorithm based on Bessel curve optimization is proposed. First, the traditional unidirectional search strategy of A* algorithm is changed to a bidirectional search strategy, which dynamically defines the target nodes of forward and reverse search; at the same time, an improved heuristic function is introduced to improve the search efficiency of A* algorithm by reducing the complexity of the planning space; and then the improved A* algorithm is combined with the Bessel curve optimization algorithm to eliminate the redundant inflection points in the robot's path, to make the path smoother and closer to the optimum. The experimental results show that the improved A* algorithm improves the efficiency of path planning, increases the stability and path smoothness, and is easier to apply in practice.
Improved A*, Bezier Curve, Path Planning, ROS Robots
Huiheng Suo, Tengsheng Yang, Qiang Hu, Jian Wu, Xie Ma, Qingwei Jia, Zizhen Chen, Xiushui Ma. Improved A* Algorithm Based on Bessel Curve Optimization. International Journal of Multimedia Computing (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 1-13.
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