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International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050107.

Teaching Reform in the Beverage Making and Service Course Based on the National Vocational Students Skills Competition


Yan Zeng

Corresponding Author:
Yan Zeng

Institute of Cultural Tourism and International Exchange, Yunnan Open University, Xuefu Road No.118, Kunming, Yunnan, China


The national vocational students skills competition (China) has become an important scale for teaching quality in higher vocational colleges. In order to achieve promoted changes we should promote the course reforming  which change the standards as the national vocational skills competition by integrating curriculum teaching knowledge, creating new the target of teaching  innovation, reforming teaching forms and the course evaluation to train high-quality comprehensive skilled talents.


The National Vocational Students Skills Competition (China), Beverage Service, Beverage Making and Service Course, Teaching Reform

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Yan Zeng. Teaching Reform in the Beverage Making and Service Course Based on the National Vocational Students Skills Competition. International Journal of Educational Curriculum Management and Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 39-45. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJECMR.2024.050107.


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