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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJETC.2024.050102.

Numerical Study of Bearing Deformation Characteristics of Geo-encasement Stone Column under Embankment Load


Shiyu Wang, Yu Yang

Corresponding Author:
Yu Yang

Poly (Sichuan) Investment Development Co., Ltd., Sichuan, China


This paper uses FLAC3D software to establish a numerical model of unit cells below the embankment, studying the characteristics of pile-soil settlement and settlement difference under different parameters. The results show that the cohesion of the road embankment has a higher impact on the pile-soil settlement difference compared to the road embankment load and the friction angle of the embankment. When the cohesiveness of the road embankment is less than 10kPa, increasing the cohesiveness can reduce the pile-soil settlement difference; but when the cohesion of the road embankment is greater than 10 kPa, continuing to increase the cohesiveness has a negligible effect on reducing the pile-soil settlement. When the friction angle of the embankment is below 30°, increasing the friction angle of the embankment can significantly reduce the pile-soil settlement difference. However, when the friction angle is above 30°, continuing to raise the embankment friction angle results in minimal changes in the pile-soil settlement value and the pile-soil settlement difference.


Geo-encasement Stone Column, Soft Foundation, Settlement, Numerical Analysis

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Shiyu Wang, Yu Yang. Numerical Study of Bearing Deformation Characteristics of Geo-encasement Stone Column under Embankment Load. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 10-17. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJETC.2024.050102.


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