Socio-Economic Statistics Research, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/SESR.2024.050102.
Luochu Chen, Hon-Tat Huam, Sai-Keong Chan
Faculty of Business, Information & Human Sciences, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, De Centrum City, Kajang, 43000, Selangor, Malaysia
Jingchu University of Technology, Xiangshan Avenue 33, Jingmen 448000, Hubei, China
This study investigates the impact of self-disclosure by social media influencers (SMIs) in native advertisements on consumer purchase intentions, with a particular focus on the mediating roles of para-social relationships and ambivalent attitudes. Through surveys and statistical analysis, the study tests related hypotheses and finds that influencer self-disclosure significantly enhances consumer purchase intentions by fostering stronger para-social relationships and eliciting ambivalent attitudes. The results reveal that both personal self-disclosure and product review self-disclosure by influencers positively influence consumer purchase intentions. Para-social relationships mediate the effects of both personal and product review self-disclosure on purchase intentions, while ambivalent attitudes act as dual mediators in these relationships. Additionally, gender does not significantly moderate these effects. Based on the study, brands should emphasize genuine self-disclosure and relationship building to boost consumer purchase intentions.
Self-Disclosure, Para-Social Relationship, Ambivalent Attitude towards Purchase Intention
Luochu Chen, Hon-Tat Huam, Sai-Keong Chan. Self-Disclosure, Para-Social Relationship, Ambivalent Attitude towards Purchase Intention. Socio-Economic Statistics Research (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 11-22.
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