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International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/IJHPM.2021.020401.

Quality and Safety of Food in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Quality Evaluation System


Emanuela Guido

Corresponding Author:
Emanuela Guido

University of British Columbia, Canada


The food quality and safety profession is a very practical profession. The construction of practical teaching curriculum groups plays an important role in cultivating students' practical ability, innovation consciousness and exploring future careers. This article focuses on the content construction of science and technology innovation and food quality and safety. In the field of food quality and safety professional development and construction, we should pay attention to the innovative transformation and cultivation of talents so that they can better adapt to the needs of social development. Based on this, this paper combines the actual situation of the school, the food safety management ability of food quality and safety students and the ability to solve the practical problems of food safety, design and implement a quality evaluation system for innovation and entrepreneurship education based on the demand orientation of food quality and safety application talents.Experimental research shows that the entropy weight TOPSIS evaluation index model studied in this paper is more accurate in many aspects of the evaluation area, especially when it exceeds about 10% in the evaluation of teaching design, which fully reflects the feasibility of the research content in this paper.


Food Quality and Safety, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, Quality Evaluation

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Emanuela Guido. Quality and Safety of Food in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Quality Evaluation System. International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical Medicine (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJHPM.2021.020401.


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