Distributed Processing System, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/DPS.2022.030303.
Porter Bryony
CiItalian Aerosp Res Ctr, Adapt Struct Dept, I-81043 Capua, Italy
With the continuous development and popularization of computer network applications, various ideas, theories, technologies and products related to the network emerge in an endless stream. The application of network in many fields such as industrial control, commercial activities, and daily life is becoming more and more frequent, and its role is becoming increasingly important. The purpose of this paper is to research and implement the technology of adding distributed system equipment based on the message passing algorithm, and propose a receiver scheme that introduces parallel computing in the clustered message passing algorithm (CMPA), optimizes the pruning rule and iterative update rule. According to the idea of reducing the number of iterations of the edge message passing algorithm (PM-MPA), a method is proposed by verifying that the confidence information of a certain codeword is much larger than that of other codewords. When the number of iterations of the receiver is reduced, the video monitoring equipment is added to the distributed system, and the remote and multi-point network video monitoring of the scene is realized. Through the simulation results, it can be found that Max-Log PMPA can reduce the complexity of Max-Log MPA by 65% when the overload rate is 200%. Therefore, when the overload is high, the advantages of Max-Log PMPA parallelism are even greater.
Information Transfer Algorithm, Distributed System, Device Joining Technology, PMPA Algorithm
Porter Bryony. Implementation of Device Joining Technology in Distributed System Based on Information Transfer Algorithm. Distributed Processing System (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 18-25. https://doi.org/10.38007/DPS.2022.030303.
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