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Green Finance Innovation in the Construction of Modern Economic System: Challenges, Paths and Countermeasures | Scholar Publishing Group
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Green Finance Innovation in the Construction of Modern Economic System: Challenges, Paths and Countermeasures

Published Date: December 10th 2023

Page Length: 353

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-80053-808-5

Price: £36.50


The report of the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that building a modern economic system is the key means to build a new development pattern. Green finance is a financial model innovation that adapts to and leads the construction of modern economic system. Its core is to realize the green allocation of capital elements. Guided by the concept of green development, driven by innovation and aimed at the construction of a modern economic system, we will carry out green transformation and upgrading of traditional finance, ensure that funds can really flow to green energy-saving and environmental protection projects, attract more social capital to flow into green industries, promote green transformation and in-depth stock adjustment of traditional three high-tech industries such as steel, coal and cement, eliminate "zombie enterprises" and backward production capacity, and achieve capital Green allocation of factor resources such as technology and talents, building a green industrial chain, promoting the agglomeration of high-end factors and the leading role of modern industries, and improving the high-end and modern level of the industrial structure. 

Since the communique of the G20 Hangzhou summit in 2016, China has become the first country in the world to have a systematic green finance policy framework formulated by government departments. The development of green finance has accelerated in an all-round way and has become a hot topic in academic research. In the new era, how to break through the limitations of traditional financial theory research, take the concept of green development as the perspective, take the construction of modern economic system as the goal, re-examine and objectively study the innovation path and policy optimization of green finance have become the frontier issues that need to be discussed in green finance theory, and also the practical problems that need to be solved in the construction of modern economic system.

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