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A Family-Centered Approach to  Developing Young Children’s FL Proficiency --Taking the Situation of Liaoning Province in China as an Example | Scholar Publishing Group
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A Family-Centered Approach to Developing Young Children’s FL Proficiency --Taking the Situation of Liaoning Province in China as an Example

Published Date: October 25th 2023

Page Length: 307

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-80053-829-0

Price: £35.00


In the context of today's era of globalization, foreign language (FL) proficiency has become an important competitiveness. Early childhood is a key stage in the development of children's language ability, and family education, as the main source of children development, plays an important role in the cultivation of children's foreign language proficiency. With the increase of international exchanges and the reform of education at home and abroad, foreign language proficiency has become a basic requirement of modern society. Early childhood is a critical period for the development of children's language skills, and it is also the best time for foreign language education. At this stage, parents are the most important language role models and mentors for children. Therefore, family education has an important impact on the development of children's foreign language skills.  

The family is the most important language environment for children. Through family education, young children can be exposed to a wealth of language materials in their daily lives, including oral communication, listening and speaking training, etc. Parents' verbal and physical education and interaction with young children can provide young children with correct language models and language input, so as to cultivate young children's foreign language listening and oral expression skills. Early childhood is a critical period for cultivating interest. Family education can stimulate young children's interest and enthusiasm in foreign language learning by creating a positive learning atmosphere and providing interesting learning resources. Parents can read foreign language picture books and watch foreign language cartoons with their young children, so that young kids can learn foreign languages in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere, and cultivate their positive attitude towards foreign languages. In foreign language learning, the cultivation of learning habits and learning strategies is essential to the learning effect of beginning learners. Parents can guide young children to form good learning habits by formulating reasonable learning plans, helping young children set learning goals, and supervising learning progress. At the same time, parents can also teach young children some effective learning strategies, such as memory skills and learning methods, to help young children learn foreign languages better.  

A family-centered approach to developing young children’s FL proficiency is advocated through providing a good language environment, cultivating interest and awareness, and guiding learning habits and strategies. In the actual situation in Liaoning province, there are still some problems and challenges. In order to better play the role of family education in the development of young children's foreign language proficiency, we recommend strengthening the publicity and guidance of family education, providing relevant training and guidance, and leading parents to go for foreign language education, so as to create a more favorable environment for the development of young children's foreign language proficiency.

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