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The Resilience Evaluation and Promotion Path of Smart City Construction | Scholar Publishing Group
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The Resilience Evaluation and Promotion Path of Smart City Construction

Published Date: July 20th 2023

Page Length: 412

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-80053-875-7

Price: £40.80


As a high-density gathering place for human survival, life, and production, and to meet their own development needs, cities are an extremely complex economic, social, and ecological composite giant system. Due to its complexity, any changes in the elements of the urban system will affect the entire system. This also means that the urban system will always be subject to many uncertain risk disturbances and unexpected impacts, which will have a profound and widespread impact on various aspects of the city. These disturbances and impacts are divided into two aspects. On the one hand, it comes from natural disasters that affect the normal operation of cities, such as floods, droughts, earthquakes, typhoons, mudslides, landslides, forest fires, etc. On the other hand, it refers to man-made accidents and disasters, including economic and financial crises, tense supply and demand of resources, deteriorating living conditions, terrorist attacks, epidemics, large-scale chemical explosions, major safety production accidents, as well as large-scale urban diseases such as traffic congestion and population explosion. With the acceleration of urbanization process, the comprehensive strength of cities has been improved, and at the same time, the vulnerability of cities to disturbance has also increased with the load of the urban system. In 2020, the COVID-19, which is spreading all over the world, will pose a serious challenge to the resilience of cities. Therefore, how to improve the city's ability to respond, resist, and recover from various disturbances and impacts, explore evaluation models for smart city resilience construction, and explore practical paths to enhance urban resilience, has become an important research topic in current urban construction and development.

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