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The "Pluralistic Integration" Pattern of International Communication in Universities

Published Date: July 15th 2023

Page Length: 331

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-80053-879-5

Price: £34.90


As one of the important subjects of international communication in China, the international communication of colleges and universities has become more and more important in the world's unprecedented changes in a century, but there are shortcomings in strategic vision, participation consciousness, narrative mode and other aspects. Since its birth, development communication has always paid attention to the close relationship between communication and development, and its mains- tream paradigm has experienced modernization paradigm, dependency paradigm and multiple paradigm along with the changes of development outlook in different periods. The new perspective of developing the pluralistic paradigm of communication studies provides a useful reference for the international communication of universities. The international communication of colleges and universities should be based on the strategic position of building a community of human destiny: the communication system should be built up to connect the upper and lower levels, and the participation of grass-roots organizations and personnel should be enhanced to improve the adhesion with the audience; it is necessary to deeply understand the similarities and differences of internal and external communication and the characteristics of cross-cultural communication, grasp the dialectical relationship between localization and global, take the initiative to set topics, strengthen audience analysis, and achieve accurate communi- cation. In a broad sense, international communication of colleges and universities refers to all communication activities carried out by means of mass communication and interpersonal communication, which are conducive to shaping their own image, enhancing international influence, and strengthening overseas exchanges and communication. In the narrow sense, it is the international information transmission and exchange carried out by the mass media. Compared with British, American and some Asian universities, the international communication of Chinese universities started relatively late. During the "12th Five-Year Plan" period, the English website of the university is the main window to publicize its teaching and research achievements and show the image of the university to the international community. In August 2014, the fourth meeting of the Commission for Deepening Overall Reform of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Traditional Media and Emerging Media, which took media integration as an important issue in comprehensively deepening reform, and universities began to use social media to gradually open up a new position in international communication. This book starts from the perspective of China's international communication situation, analyzes the role and influence of international communication from the national and international aspects, and then analyzes the status quo of interna- tional communication construction and international communication power of Chinese universities and colleges from a small scope, mainly including academic and cultural exchanges, international enrollment, market communication and so on. 

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