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Psycholinguistics Problems Involved in Bilingual Teaching -- Analysis of Educational Mistakes | Scholar Publishing Group
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Psycholinguistics Problems Involved in Bilingual Teaching -- Analysis of Educational Mistakes

Published Date: June 15th 2023

Page Length: 415

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-80053-889-4

Price: £42.50


Since the 1960s, the world has entered a relatively peaceful and stable economic and technological era, and education has been seen by more and more people around the world as an important means of personal and national prosperity and a powerful means of competition. Many countries, especially developed Western countries, have carried out various forms of bilingual teaching at different levels and in order to obtain a large number of bilingual talents with a solid language foundation and professional abilities. China is no exception. With its accession to the World Trade Organization and the accession to the WTO, in order to adapt to the economic development of the times, international cooperation and exchange, and achieve the rejuvenation of a strong country, many large and medium-sized cities have actively explored and promoted bilingual teaching since 2001, and subsequently introduced some innovative international bilingual teaching concepts, methods, and models. As a new phenomenon, the theoretical and practical research on bilingual teaching in China is still in its infancy and experimental stage. On the one hand, there are still many controversies in society and the education sector regarding the views of bilingual teaching. People not only have certain misconceptions about the theoretical understanding of bilingual teaching, but also have certain doubts and criticisms about whether it is suitable to implement bilingual teaching in China, as well as the actual effectiveness of implementing bilingual teaching in China. They even believe that it is unnecessary and impossible to successfully implement bilingual teaching in China. In addition, in the process of implementing bilingual teaching in some conditional schools, there may be one-sided or erroneous understanding of bilingual teaching theory, such as equating bilingual teaching with "strengthening English" or strengthening training for "English elites". This approach removes the core of "bilingual" and "bilingual teaching" and departs from the concept of "student-centered development". It also violates the basic requirements of China's new round of basic education reform, deviates from the fundamental purpose of promoting quality education, and will have adverse effects on the physical and mental health development of students.

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