Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020404.
Mayank Bisen
Adamson University, Philippines
With China's attention to energy development, the offshore oil(OO) industry has also embarked on the road of rapid development, and the number of OO development projects is also increasing rapidly. This paper studies the development of offshore engineering(OE) projects based on risk management(RM). Taking the development of OO and gas field projects as the main research direction, this paper discusses the OO and gas field engineering projects and the division of engineering stages, analyzes the RM of OO and gas field projects, and takes a city as an example to carry out an empirical analysis through the oil risk assessment model and the comprehensive assessment of marine environmental risk, which verifies the feasibility and operability of the proposed marine environmental risk assessment management, It is of great significance to provide scientific basis for the marine authorities to make decisions on disaster prevention and mitigation, and to promote the healthy, coordinated and sustainable development of the marine economy.
Risk Management, Offshore Engineering, Project Development, Management Research
Mayank Bisen. Marine Engineering Development Project based on Risk Management. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 25-34.
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