Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020405.
Rasa Lillien
Binghamton University State University of New York, The United States of America
Quality management in offshore engineering is one of the key processes to strengthen the overall management of offshore engineering projects, and its quality can directly affect the state and final effect of offshore platforms in the actual construction process. The purpose of this paper is to study the improvement of engineering project quality management based on genetic algorithm. The characteristics of the quality management of marine engineering projects are studied, and the quality management mode of marine engineering projects is formed based on the idea of improving the quality management of marine engineering projects. Construction project quality management system composition. At the same time, through the comparative analysis of example simulation and calculation results, it is concluded that after optimization, the total construction period of offshore engineering project one is reduced by 21, and the total construction period of project two is reduced by 26, which verifies the feasibility, effectiveness and superiority of the composite genetic-simulated annealing algorithm.
Genetic Algorithm, Ocean Engineering, Project Quality, Management Improvement
Rasa Lillien. Quality Management Improvement of Ocean Engineering Projects Based on Genetic Algorithm. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 35-43.
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