Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2021, 2(4); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2021.020407.
Suzana Ahmad
Jimma Institute of Technology, Ethiopia
In recent years, my country's dependence on foreign oil and gas has been rising. With the sharp fluctuations in international oil prices, the uncertainty of overseas oil and gas improvement benefits of domestic oil companies has been increasing, and the importance of improvement evaluation has become increasingly prominent. Based on value and risk evaluation, it is more suitable for offshore engineering oil and gas improvement to help domestic oil companies improve efficiency, avoid risks, ensure my country's energy security, and promote the healthy improvement of oil and gas improvement. In the experiment, the objective function method and decision-making technology are used to analyze the application cases under the guidance of the new technology. The experimental results show that from 2018 to 2021, the organization and implementation of the improvement plan will be strictly followed, and 98.1% and 95.3% of the planning indicators will be completed respectively, the production index conformity rate is relatively high, basically consistent with the planning index.
New Technology, Decision-Making Technology, Ocean Engineering, Oil and Gas Improvement
Suzana Ahmad. Oil and Gas Improvement in Offshore Engineering under the Guidance of New Technology. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 52-59.
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