Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2022, 3(1); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2022.030107.
Varun Verma
Tech University of Korea, Republic of Korea
In order to cope with the challenges of transportation, energy and food production, marine resources have become one of the important resources needed by human beings. With the continuous development of human beings, the demand for resources is increasingly strong, but the land resources are constantly decreasing, so it is imperative to develop the ocean. In order to solve the limitations of various technical applications in existing marine engineering,this paper discusses the multi-dimensional maximum entropy model symmetric function and the multi-dimensional probability model commonly used in ocean engineering. The parameter settings and data sets in the project are briefly introduced. In addition, the design and discussion of the multi-dimensional maximum entropy model and its model in marine engineering are carried out. Finally, the experimental analysis of the application of the multi-dimensional maximum entropy model in the ocean is carried out. The multi-dimensional maximum entropy model's test values for wave height, flow velocity and wind speed are in the range of the lowest 200 and the highest 217, so the multi-dimensional maximum entropy model and its application stability in marine engineering are verified.
Multidimensional Maximum Entropy, Maximum Entropy Model, Marine Engineering Applied Research
Varun Verma. Multidimensional Maximum Entropy Model and Its Application in Ocean Engineering. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 49-56.
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