Frontiers in Ocean Engineering, 2022, 3(2); doi: 10.38007/FOE.2022.030201.
Verbaarschot Ceci
Western Univ, London, Canada
Nowadays, countries in the world pay more and more attention to the rights and interests of the ocean, and the ocean has become an important environmental resource and natural resource on which human beings are extremely dependent. With the development of technology and the huge demand for the development and utilization of marine oil and gas resources, my country's marine engineering equipment manufacturing industry has entered a stage of rapid development. The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of an intelligent management system for marine engineering services based on genetic algorithms. Focus on the information integration and intelligent management of marine engineering service systems, use underwater sensor network and marine Mesh network technology to collect marine resource data, and establish a marine multidisciplinary dynamic data system based on the Vue.js system. , using the IGA-BP algorithm to predict the evolution trend of the marine physical environment, and construct an intelligent marine disaster early warning method for marine engineering. The experimental results show that the IGA-BP early warning model is better than the BP early warning model.
Genetic Algorithm, Ocean Engineering, Engineering Service, Intelligent Management
Verbaarschot Ceci. Intelligent Management System of Marine Engineering Service Based on Genetic Algorithm. Frontiers in Ocean Engineering (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 2: 1-9.
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