International Journal of Art Innovation and Development, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/IJAID.2022.030304.
Jumshad Khan Ullah
Case Western Reserve University, USA
The widespread diffusion of miniature knowledge have brought about the innovation of artistic forms and the development of diversified technologies. The main research of this article is based on the auxiliary role of mobile information system in art video teaching. In this survey, 80 music teachers and 3 regional music teachers and researchers who are currently engaged in basic music education were selected as the research objects. In addition, the author puts forward his own suggestions in the direction of curriculum setting, training music talents with comprehensive quality, solid foundation and comprehensive quality. The main body of evaluation is developing in a more diversified direction, including individuals, groups, teachers, parents, art workers, etc. their evaluation reflects the different needs of the society for the curriculum, and these suggestions and feedback will contribute to the continuous development and improvement of art education curriculum. They feed back the evaluation results to students in an appropriate way to encourage diversified learning styles. After scoring, the database was established by SPSS16.0 software, and the data was input and analyzed. The data shows that more than half of the students express dissatisfaction with the current situation of music teaching in the school, with 27% dissatisfied and very dissatisfied, and 40% generally dissatisfied. The results show that higher vocational students do not have high requirements for theoretical knowledge, they just need to understand it. Therefore, teachers should focus on the essence of the goal of cultivating higher vocational talents and devote their main energy and time to art practice.
Igher Art Education, Development Status, Development Strategy, Talent Training Model
Jumshad Khan Ullah. Based on the Auxiliary Role of Mobile Information System in Art Video Teaching. International Journal of Art Innovation and Development (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 46-61.
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