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International Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 2021, 2(1); doi: 10.38007/IJPHPM.2021.020104.

Medical Image Analysis of the EMG Characteristics of the Main Force Muscles in the Kickboxing Athletes' Leg Control and Lower Split


Juan Wang

Corresponding Author:
Juan Wang

School of Energy and Safety Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin, China


With the progress of social science and technology and the change of people's concept of life, various research fields have gradually influenced each other. Medical image analysis of EMG characteristics is a very powerful research method commonly used in many research fields, including many sports, such as Taekwondo. The research of this paper is based on the medical image analysis of the muscle EMG characteristics of the leg control technique, using the EMG instrument to collect the muscle state and strength required by the action, to further analyze and study the leg control technique. In the experiment, the electromyography testing instrument selected in this paper is wireless electromyography, and through collecting and analyzing the medical images of 16 muscles such as left vertical spine muscle of 10 Taekwondo athletes, and then selecting the mathematical software to further process and analyze the data obtained in the experiment, then building the data model and forming an intuitive chart for analysis. In the experimental analysis, this paper collected the medical image of the EMG characteristics of the leg control and the next split movement to analyze, and studied the muscle force rule of the leg control and the next split movement of Taekwondo athletes, and obtained more detailed and scientific data information of the leg control and the next split movement. So as to provide scientific basis for the daily movement training of Taekwondo athletes and improve the training effect of athletes.


Medical Image Analysis, Leg Control Followed by Split, Muscle EMG Characteristics, EMG Research

Cite This Paper

Juan Wang. Medical Image Analysis of the EMG Characteristics of the Main Force Muscles in the Kickboxing Athletes' Leg Control and Lower Split. International Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 1: 37-50. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJPHPM.2021.020104.


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