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Machine Learning Theory and Practice, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/ML.2022.030409.

University Scientific Research Management based on Decision Tree Algorithm Evaluation


James Yong Liao

Corresponding Author:
James Yong Liao

Philippine Christian University, Philippine


The evaluation of scientific research(SR) management in China started late, but developed rapidly. It was not until the 1980s that we began to really pay attention to SR projects and carry out substantive management evaluation activities. However, the state and various ministries and commissions have successively issued rules and regulations on SR management, which has played an important role in standardizing the national scientific and technological evaluation activities, building evaluation institutions, and promoting the development of SR management and evaluation in Colleges and Universities(CAU). This paper studies the evaluation of SR management in CAU based on decision tree algorithm(DTA). In this paper, the process evaluation research of SR project management is carried out. Combining the actual situation and existing problems of university SR management(USRM) evaluation, the DTA is applied to the evaluation of USRM, and the dynamic implementation of the project plan is effectively controlled by the process. Adjust the management strategy of project progress in real time according to the feedback information of project progress, and strive to ensure that the project is completed as expected. The successful implementation of SR management evaluation in CAU based on DTA will help the SR work in CAU to rise to a higher level, which has great practical significance.


Decision, Tree Algorithm, University Scientific Research, Scientific Research Management, Management Evaluation Research

Cite This Paper

James Yong Liao. University Scientific Research Management based on Decision Tree Algorithm Evaluation. Machine Learning Theory and Practice (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 69-79. https://doi.org/10.38007/ML.2022.030409.


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