Machine Learning Theory and Practice, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/ML.2022.030304.
Xuehang Shao
Heilongjiang University of Industry and Business, Harbin 150025, China
Text sentiment classification is mainly used to determine the positive and negative aspects of sentiment, and obtains practical applications in user selection, information query, and information screening. In order to address the shortcomings of existing Chinese text sentiment classification algorithms, this paper briefly discusses the processing and labeling of the corpus and data collection for the implementation of the classification algorithm framework, based on the discussion of the steps of Chinese text sentiment classification based on semantic understanding and the process of Chinese text sentiment classification based on machine learning. In addition, the design of a hybrid semantic understanding and machine learning based Chinese text sentiment classification algorithm framework is discussed, and the experimental tests on sentiment classification of Chinese text by this paper's algorithm and DF, IG, and SVM are conducted, and the experimental data show that the check-all rate, check-accuracy rate, and F-measurement rate of this paper's algorithm are as high as 87.12% on average. Therefore, it is verified that the hybrid algorithm based on semantic understanding and machine learning is of high practical value in Chinese text sentiment classification.
Semantic Understanding, Machine Learning, Chinese Text Sentiment, Sentiment Classification Algorithm
Xuehang Shao. A Hybrid Semantic Understanding and Machine Learning Based Algorithmic Framework for Chinese Text Sentiment Classification. Machine Learning Theory and Practice (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 27-34.
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