Machine Learning Theory and Practice, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/ML.2022.030309.
Feng Liu
Philippine Christian University, Philippine
Jining Normal University, Jining, China
As an important material carrier of urban space, road network is considered as the "fingerprint" of a city. Its model reflects the modernization process of a city. Extracting and analyzing the structural model of urban road network is helpful to understand urban development and build a better urban form. In order to solve the shortcomings of the existing research on pattern recognition methods of urban road network, this paper discusses the pattern classification of urban road network, the pattern recognition of road network distribution and the support vector machine, discusses the selection and establishment of road network samples and the recognition parameters of road network patterns, and discusses the design of the pattern recognition model of urban road network. Finally, the recognition model designed in this paper is compared with CNN, RF and GBDT. The experimental results show that the recall rate, accuracy rate and recall rate of SVM urban road network pattern recognition reach 97.8%, which is superior to the other three recognition methods. Therefore, it is verified that the pattern recognition method of urban road network based on support vector machine algorithm has high practical value.
Support Vector Machine, Urban Road, Network Mode, Distribution Mode
Feng Liu. Pattern Recognition Method of Urban Road Network Based on Support Vector Machine Algorithm. Machine Learning Theory and Practice (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 69-77.
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