Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030302.
Jiwei Zhang
Gansu Industry Polytechnic College, Gansu, China
As the country attaches great importance to environmental protection and sustainable development in recent years, and people aspire to a better living environment with green mountains and water, it has become an important and urgent task to restore green mountains and water and accelerate the process of ecological construction through environmental management, which is also a basic principle that must be adhered to in order to implement the national policy of environmental protection in China. The aim of this paper is to study urban and rural natural environment protection policies in the context of big data. The paper discusses the definition of big data theory and urban and rural environment, constructs an evaluation system for the implementation of urban and rural natural environmental protection policies, and conducts an empirical study using District M as an example, concluding that the reasons for the ineffective implementation of policies in District M are complex and diverse, mainly including the policy quality of environmental protection policies needs to be improved and the implementation environment is unsatisfactory.
Big Data Technology, Urban and Rural Environment, Environmental Protection, Policy Analysis
Jiwei Zhang. Urban and Rural Natural Environment Protection Policies under Big Data. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 9-17.
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