Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030303.
Zhaoyang Wu
Qinghai Normal University, Qinghai, China
Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, environmental governance has entered a new process of modernization, and people's demand for a better environment has gradually increased. The countryside is a geographical complex with natural, social and regional economic characteristics in a natural area at the same time, and the purpose of this paper is to study the research countermeasures of rural natural environmental protection based on the green low-carbon concept. It introduces the countermeasures to promote green and low-carbon development in the countryside and the path of ecological environment management in the countryside. Through the investigation and analysis of resource use, low-carbon practices and residents' participation in the suburban rural areas of M, the results show that low-carbon publicity activities should be actively carried out in the countryside so that all resident households and their members can realize the importance of a low-carbon lifestyle.
Green Low-carbon, Rural Nature, Environmental Protection, Conservation Measures
Zhaoyang Wu. Rural Natural Environment Protection Based on Green Low-carbon Concept. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 18-26.
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