Nature Environmental Protection, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2022.030305.
Hongshuang Jiao
Heilongjiang International University, Harbin 150025, China
With the development of urbanization and industrialization in China, china's natural environment protection and sustainable development issues are increasingly prominent. In the aspect of environmental protection, the establishment of environmental quality assessment system can grasp the status of ecological and environmental protection from the macro-level, and provide scientific basis for formulating corresponding protection measures. In this paper, based on the previous research results, combining the ant colony algorithm and neural network algorithm in the dynamic planning design ideas, combined with the natural history background, a framework of natural environmental protection quality assessment system is proposed, which integrates information input, data processing and output. The final experimental results show that: through the assessment model of a scenic natural reserve environment assessment score of 3.34, the grade is good, the model can determine and reflect the environmental quality more scientifically in the process of environmental protection assessment, and make the natural ecosystem have a better understanding of the harmonious relationship between man and nature.
Natural Environment Protection, Ant Colony Algorithm, Neural Network Algorithm, Quality Assessment System
Hongshuang Jiao. Construction of Natural Environmental Protection Quality Assessment System Fusing Ant Colony Algorithm and Neural Network Algorithm. Nature Environmental Protection (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 3: 36-44.
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