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Academic Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 3(4); doi: 10.38007/AJAS.2022.030407.

The Physiological Mechanism of Plant Stress Based on Different Protein Composition


Xiang Zeng

Corresponding Author:
Xiang Zeng

Nanjing University of Vocational Industry Technology, Nanjing, China


Different Proterozoic have different applications in physiological mechanisms of plant stress. Plant proteins have strong responses to abiotic stresses such as drought, salt stress, low temperature, and anaerobic stress, as well as biological stresses such as pests, bacteria, and fungal infections. Mechanism, with different effects in different physiological mechanisms. The purpose of this article is to better understand the damage mechanism of plants after being stressed. By studying the adaptation and defense mechanisms of plants to the environment, this article uses genetic algorithms to conduct proteomics research on differential proteomics, analyze their differences, and Experimental analysis of the growth mechanism of plants in adversity. Use mathematical analysis and mathematical statistics to statistically classify the data. Use big data to fit the data. Then, through different protein composition, the physiological mechanism of plant stress Research experiments analyze the different effects. The experimental data show that in the more adverse environment, the stronger the plant's self-protection, the more proteins transcribed to adapt to the adverse environment. The experimental results show that different protein compositions play a pivotal role in the physiological mechanism of plant stress. The use of proteins has a protective effect on the plant's adversity. The research results have been applied to the growth of plants, which has increased the growth rate of plant colors by about 15%. It laid a solid foundation for future research on physiological mechanisms of adversity.


Differential Proteomics, Plant Stress Growth Mechanism, Active Natural Products, Defense Mechanism

Cite This Paper

Xiang Zeng. The Physiological Mechanism of Plant Stress Based on Different Protein Composition. Academic Journal of Agricultural Sciences (2022), Vol. 3, Issue 4: 89-103. https://doi.org/10.38007/AJAS.2022.030407.


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