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Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/WPPCP.2020.010304.

Engineering Method of Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Waterworks Integrated with Biological Therapy


Carmen Rafael

Corresponding Author:
Carmen Rafael

Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Water pollution is easy to cause social concern and panic because of its harm to human body. As an important place for water treatment, the water pollution problem generated by the waterworks is a major issue of public concern. The water pollution prevention and control project has naturally become a topic of close attention by the public, and the biological treatment method has brought a reference path to water pollution prevention and control. Based on this, this paper uses the biological treatment method to manage the water pollution prevention project of the waterworks, and designs a method to improve it. This paper first introduces the causes of water pollution, then analyzes the problems in the process of water pollution prevention and control, and then puts forward the water pollution prevention and control measures for the waterworks. In this paper, the effect of water pollution prevention and control project in waterworks is analyzed by using biological therapy. Finally, it is found that biological therapy can greatly improve the effect of water pollution prevention and control in waterworks. Biotherapy has a relatively effective application in the water plant pollution prevention and control project, so as to achieve the prevention and control of water pollution.


Biological Treatment, Water Treatment Plant, Water Pollution, Prevention and Treatment Works

Cite This Paper

Carmen Rafael. Engineering Method of Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Waterworks Integrated with Biological Therapy. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 29-38. https://doi.org/10.38007/WPPCP.2020.010304.


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