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Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project, 2020, 1(3); doi: 10.38007/WPPCP.2020.010306.

Construction of Comprehensive Prevention and Control Project of Water Works Based on Artificial Neural Network Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence


Jensen Mads

Corresponding Author:
Jensen Mads

Korea Aerosp Univ, Goyang City, South Korea


The further development of information technology has brought more convenience to people’s lives. However, this process of social and economic development has also brought more burdens to the local ecological environment, making people face water pollution and water resource depletion and other problems. In order to improve or even solve these problems, it is necessary to control water pollution, and at the same time make people develop the concept of saving water. The safety of drinking water is not only an important guarantee for the maintenance of human health, but also can help the current ecological environment to carry out sustainable development and provide a certain auxiliary role for social and economic development. First of all, to solve the problem of water pollution, it is necessary to pay enough attention to the waterworks in the city, so as to further improve the performance of the water purification technology of the waterworks. At the same time, it is also necessary to optimize the water quality treatment mode of the waterworks to meet the needs of social development. However, the current artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial neural networks (ANN) algorithms have experienced a long period of development and have deep applications in many fields of real life. Among them, the ANN algorithm model can automatically analyze and process data. At the same time, it can transform problems that cannot be solved by existing solutions into mathematical problems for efficient solution. On the other hand, the ANN algorithm model can also be combined with the branch technology in AI to analyze all kinds of feature data of things. Based on these data analysis, fault detection and precise control in industry can be well completed. Through AI technology and ANN algorithm model, this paper proposed a comprehensive prevention and control project for water works, and compared the performance of this comprehensive prevention and control project with the existing comprehensive prevention and control of water works in many aspects. It is determined that the performance of this new comprehensive prevention and control project in many aspects has been improved by about 22% on average.


Natural Water Plant, Water Source Control, Artificial Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Cite This Paper

Jensen Mads. Construction of Comprehensive Prevention and Control Project of Water Works Based on Artificial Neural Network Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 3: 50-59. https://doi.org/10.38007/WPPCP.2020.010306.


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