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Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project, 2021, 2(2); doi: 10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020202.

Water Pollution Control Measures Based on Multi-scale Feature Fusion


Francesco Braghin

Corresponding Author:
Francesco Braghin

GLA University, India


With the sustainable development of economy, the ecological environment of water resources has been damaged to varying degrees, and the country is paying more and more attention to the protection of water resources. Water Pollution (WP) control is a very important part of this work and an important part of the national environmental protection and management strategy, and has become a major priority of environmental governance. In the context of effective control of WP, it is necessary to summarize the existing problems and formulate targeted WP control measures according to the actual situation of the region to effectively control WP and ensure good water quality. Therefore, this paper analyzed the enthusiasm and harmfulness of WP prevention and control, then studied the contents and reasons of water monitoring, and finally put forward the strategies of water monitoring and WP prevention and control. Through comparison, it can be seen that the supervision after the optimization of WP control measures was 20.8% higher than that before the optimization of WP control measures, and the control level was 22% higher than that before the optimization of WP control measures. In short, water monitoring is of great significance in WP prevention and control room.


Water Pollution, Prevention Measures, Multi-scale Feature Fusion, Water Monitoring

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Francesco Braghin. Water Pollution Control Measures Based on Multi-scale Feature Fusion. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Project (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 2: 12-21. https://doi.org/10.38007/WPPCP.2021.020202.


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