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Nature Environmental Protection, 2021, 2(3); doi: 10.38007/NEP.2021.020304.

Video Monitoring System for Natural Environment Protection Area Supporting Image Recognition


Imran A. Khan

Corresponding Author:
Imran A. Khan

Centro Nacional Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (IGME-CSIC), 28003 Madrid, Spain


Today in the 21st century, the destruction of the natural environment has seriously affected the ecological balance, which has a serious impact on the earth’s ecological environment on which human beings rely. Environmental protection has become an important obligation of global citizens. The setting of video monitoring system in natural environment protection areas is an important means of environmental monitoring. Based on image recognition technology, this paper studied the video monitoring system of natural environmental protection areas. First, it introduced the categories of natural environmental protection areas, which were divided into natural protection areas and natural tourism protection areas. Subsequently, the role of the video monitoring system in the nature reserve was explained, which was of great significance to improve the monitoring efforts, reduce the damage of external factors to the nature reserve and maintain the ecological balance. This paper proposed to use the image recognition technology yolo algorithm to improve the real-time performance and efficiency of the system in the video surveillance system, and test the system from the two aspects of detection time and recognition accuracy. The data showed that the detection time of video surveillance system based on yolo algorithm was shorter than that of traditional algorithm. The number of tests was 1-9, and the detection time of yolo algorithm was in the range of 11s-42s. The detection time range of video surveillance system based on traditional algorithm was 31s-79s. From the data of recognition accuracy, the average recognition accuracy of video surveillance system based on yolo algorithm was 82.69%, and the average recognition accuracy of traditional algorithm was 71.2%. Finally, it was concluded that yolo algorithm based on image recognition could make video monitoring system play a better monitoring effect in natural environment protection.


Monitoring System, Environmental Protection, Image Recognition, Deep Learning, Yolo Algorithm

Cite This Paper

Imran A. Khan. Video Monitoring System for Natural Environment Protection Area Supporting Image Recognition. Nature Environmental Protection (2021), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 31-39. https://doi.org/10.38007/NEP.2021.020304.


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