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Traditional Art Study, 2023, 4(1); doi: 10.38007/TAS.2023.040101.

The Cultural Implication of the Taboo of Li Nationality in Hainan Under the Cross-cultural Perspective


Lingzhi Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Lingzhi Zhang

College of Foreign Languages, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, Sichuan, China


Studying the cultural taboos of ethnic minorities is of positive significance to the harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups, and taboo taboo is the main body of the taboo cultural system, which affects people's life all the time The Li ethnic group in Hainan Province's population accounted for a large proportion, because of the early economic underdevelopment, low level of culture, the people of the group in the life of a lot of taboos, and with the development of the times, taboo culture is in a state of loss. To study the taboo culture of Hainan Li ethnic group from a, to study the taboo culture of Hainan Li ethnic group from a cross-cultural perspective, reduce the obstacles to cultural exchange among all ethnic groups, and explore the the cultural implication of Li taboo from it.


The Li Nationality in Hainan Province, Taboo, Cross-cultural Communication

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Lingzhi Zhang. The Cultural Implication of the Taboo of Li Nationality in Hainan Under the Cross-cultural Perspective. Traditional Art Study (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 1: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.38007/TAS.2023.040101.


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