Frontiers in Exercise Physiology, 2023, 3(1); doi: 10.38007/FEP.2023.030101.
Donghai Wang
School of Physical Education, Hunan University of Arts and Science, Changde 415000, Hunan, China
Basketball is the most popular sport on university campuses. Various competitions are in full swing. However, in the college representative teams of the Super League, except for a few externally hired professional coaches, most of the coaches are held by physical education teachers in the school. How to express excellence in a team, how to integrate the coaches’ ideology, tactical awareness, style, and personality charm with the players, and how to organically combine the campus culture of a university with the construction and cultivation of a team are all key factors that reflect the level of coaching skills of a college basketball coach. This article studies the coaching ability of basketball coaches in some universities in Hunan Province, and analyzes the impact of basketball coach leadership behavior on athletes' sports performance through a survey questionnaire.
Teaching Ability, Coach, Basketball, Colleges and Universities
Donghai Wang. Basketball Coaching and Team Performance in Selected Universities in Hunan China. Frontiers in Exercise Physiology (2023), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 1-9.
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