International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction, 2023, 4(2); doi: 10.38007/IJETC.2023.040207.
Mengran Xu, Chen Huang, Bingjun Dou
Zhejiang Infrastructure Construction Group Co., LTD., Hangzhou 310000, China
In order to explore the wind effect behaviors of rounded-corner arc-edge triangular super high-rise building with setbacks, a number of setback building models were designed. Through rigid-model simultaneous pressure measurement test, the influence of aerodynamic shape optimization schemes on the wind load and wind-induced response characteristics of the building was studied. The results indicate that the setbacks significantly reduced the overall along-wind shape coefficients of such buildings, and the wind pressure distribution on the building surface is considerably affected by the different forms of setback. The upper setback scheme can significantly reduce the base bending moment and shear force, but hardly affect the variation of base bending moment and shear force with the wind direction angle. The setbacks have little influence on the top-floor peak displacement, but can usually increase the top-floor peak cross-wind acceleration of the structure.
Rounded Corner Arc-Edge Triangular, Setback, Wind-Load Characteristics, Wind Tunnel Tests, Wind-Induced Dynamic Response
Mengran Xu, Chen Huang, Bingjun Dou. Research on Wind Effects of Super Tall Buildings with Rounded Arcs, Triangles and Retracted Platforms. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction (2023), Vol. 4, Issue 2: 52-62.
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