International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management, 2024, 5(2); doi: 10.38007/IJSSEM.2024.050206.
Yutian Tang
The National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 14201, Mongolia
Blessing language refers to a statement of good wishes to people. As a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, blessings are not only good wishes for others, but also important expressions of emotional communication and social interaction. With blessings, people can express goodwill and care for others and convey good expectations and wishes for their life, work or specific occasions. Blessings are also often reflected in news articles from China and Mongolia,according to different speech contents, the blessings used are also slightly different. Therefore, this thesis selects the news speeches of Chinese and Mongolian for one year as the corpus, then analyses the blessings in the corpus. By exploring their similarities and differences, it can better understand the mutual cultural thinking and values, which is hoped to provide some helpful help to Chinese and Mongolian students in language learning. It has found that the main reason for the differences is that China and Mongolia have different cultures, thinking and beliefs.
China and Mongolia, News Discourse, Blessing, Comparative Analysis
Yutian Tang. Contrastive Analysis of Blessings in Chinese and Mongolian News Discourse. International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 2: 43-49.
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