Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/JEP.2024.050106.
Yuhuan Zhang
College of Foreign Language, China West Normal University, Sichuan Province, China
The backward design of curriculum benefits teachers and students, because its first stage is desired result which runs through the whole process of teaching. Thus, this allows students and teachers to monitor their respective learning efficiency and teaching outcomes at any time. Moreover, it also includes supporting evidence and learning activity aligning with the first sage. All these can successfully avoid textbook coverage and activity-oriented teaching. The most important is to promote teaching and learning.
the backward design; desired result; evidence; learning activity
Yuhuan Zhang. The Backward Design of “Scientists who changed the world”. Frontiers in Educational Psychology (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 50-53.
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