International Journal of Multimedia Computing, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJMC.2024.050106.
Peng Hou
Software Engineering Institute of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 51000, Guangdong Province, China
With the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence-related technologies, the emergence of various new technologies has brought people more convenient life and entertainment equipment. Nowadays, computer animation has penetrated into all aspects of people's lives. Computer animation has formed a huge industry, and there is a trend of further growth. The game industry has become an important pole of the computer animation industry, and its development has been in full swing over the years. However, the research on 3D animation production and human-computer interaction is only at the theoretical level. This paper conducts a scientific analysis and high-dimensional research on 3D animation production and human-computer interaction from the level of artificial intelligence virtual characters. The results of the study show that users can customize the path curves of artificially intelligent avatars, which aids in the connection of motion in 3D animation production. The average classification accuracy of imaginary EEG signals for gesture recognition and interaction based on EEG and EMG was 65.3%, which provided a basis for improving 3D animation production and human-computer interaction research.
3D Animation Production, Human-computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence Virtual Character, Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, Back Propagation Network Neural (BPNN)
Peng Hou. 3D Animation and Human-Computer Interaction of Virtual Characters in Sustainable Ecosystem. International Journal of Multimedia Computing (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 54-70.
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