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International Journal of Big Data Intelligent Technology, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.38007/IJBDIT.2024.050121.

Design and Implementation of Intelligent Medical Equipment Maintenance System - Double Consideration of Improving Efficiency and Reducing Cost


Guohao Ma, Bo Cao, Hao Lu

Corresponding Author:
Hao Lu

Department of Equipment Maintenance, Nanjing Jiangning Hospital, Nanjing, China


This paper aims to discuss the design and implementation strategy of intelligent medical equipment maintenance system, focusing on how to achieve significant improvement of medical equipment maintenance efficiency and effective reduction of operation and maintenance costs through technological innovation. The system integrates the Internet of Things, big data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve real-time monitoring, fault warning and accurate maintenance and management of medical equipment. By remotely monitoring equipment operation status, timely detection and prediction of potential failures, reduce unplanned downtime, and ensure continuity of medical services. At the same time, intelligent scheduling of maintenance resources, optimize maintenance processes, reduce labor and material consumption, and effectively control operation and maintenance costs. This study also emphasizes the ability of data-driven decision support to provide scientific basis for hospital managers and help medical device management to be refined and intelligent. This paper aims to improve the use efficiency and safety of medical equipment through the design and implementation of intelligent medical equipment maintenance system, while creating significant economic and social benefits for medical institutions, and contributing to the high-quality development of the medical industry.


Intelligent Medical Equipment Maintenance System; System Design; Equipment Maintenance; Improve Efficiency; Reduce Cost

Cite This Paper

Guohao Ma, Bo Cao, Hao Lu. Design and Implementation of Intelligent Medical Equipment Maintenance System - Double Consideration of Improving Efficiency and Reducing Cost. International Journal of Big Data Intelligent Technology (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 1: 201-209. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJBDIT.2024.050121.


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