International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management, 2024, 5(3); doi: 10.38007/IJSSEM.2024.050306.
Juan Liu, Kim Hyung-tae
Candidate in International Business, Woosong University, South Korea
The rapid development of artificial intelligence(AI)has significantly transformed the management of human capital and the structure of the labor market. This study systematically examines the definitions, characteristics, and interaction mechanisms between human capital and AI, analyzes the impact of AI on human capital, and proposes suitable human capital management strategies for the AI era. This study emphasizes that human capital is a core source of innovation and discusses its role as an essential element in the advancement of AI. Furthermore, it suggests measures to enhance the quality of human capital through changes in the labor market and educational reform.
Human Capital; Artificial Intelligence; Labor Market; Educational Reform; Innovation
Juan Liu, Kim Hyung-tae. Study on Human Capital and Innovation Management Strategies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Management (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 3: 54-57.
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