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Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 2025, 6(1); doi: 10.38007/JEP.2025.060101.

The Relationship between the Dissemination Mode of Live Courses on Online Education Platforms and Learners' Interactive Behavior: Taking "MOOC" as an Example


Yanyun Guo

Corresponding Author:
Yanyun Guo

Philippine Christian University, Manila, Philippine


The bottleneck of existing research is that the deep interaction mechanism in the MOOC platform is imperfect, which makes it difficult to effectively promote learners' active participation and improve learning outcomes. This paper aims to deeply analyze how interactive design affects learners' engagement and learning outcomes by studying the relationship between the interactive mode of live courses in the MOOC platform and learners' interactive behavior. First, the Flanders Interaction Analysis System is used to code and quantify the teacher-student interaction behaviors in the live courses. Then, the interaction between teachers, teaching assistants, and "passers-by" in the live courses is observed in real time to capture the verbal communication and interaction methods in the classroom. Secondly, combining learner behavior data and learning feedback, regression analysis method is used to quantify the relationship between interactive behavior and learning effect, and to explore the correlation between learner behavior patterns and learning performance. Finally, the experiment takes multiple MOOC live courses as the subjects, and through comparative analysis of the impact of different interactive design strategies (such as interaction frequency, interaction form, interactive content, etc.) on learners' deep engagement, learning motivation and learning outcomes, puts forward effective interactive design optimization suggestions. Experimental data show that there is a significant positive correlation between deep interactive behavior in MOOC live courses and learners' participation and learning outcomes. The data also show that appropriate incentive mechanisms, such as interactive rewards and immediate feedback, can help further enhance learners' deep participation and enthusiasm.


MOOC; Live Courses; Interactive Behavior; Flanders Interactive Analysis System; Learning Effect

Cite This Paper

Yanyun Guo. The Relationship between the Dissemination Mode of Live Courses on Online Education Platforms and Learners' Interactive Behavior: Taking "MOOC" as an Example. Frontiers in Educational Psychology (2025), Vol. 6, Issue 1: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.38007/JEP.2025.060101.


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