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International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction, 2020, 1(1); doi: 10.38007/IJETC.2020.010104.

Retardation Characteristics of Metal Mine Paste Filling Materials Based on Blockchain Technology and Farmland Ecological Protection


Xiulan Wang

Corresponding Author:
Xiulan Wang

Guizhou Radio & TV University, Guizhou, China


In recent years, most of the quarry sites are located in the periphery of the city, and for the convenience of transportation, they are generally close to traffic arteries and residential areas. When encountering severe weather, disasters such as landslides, mudslides, dust and sand will occur. The life safety and health of residents have caused adverse effects. Therefore, the development of researches suitable for paste-filling mining of metal mines in stone ore traces has important guiding significance for the smooth implementation of ecological restoration of stone mines. This paper takes the discrete mine paste network model as the research object, and studies the mineral degradation and influencing factors in the central and northern grasslands, the loess plateau, the southwest mountain and hilly area, and the northwest arid area of the western metal mining area, and then mining through the metal mine paste filling numerical simulation analyzes the repair of geological damage caused by paste filling technology. The research results show that the extremely severely damaged area in open-pit mines accounts for an average of 56.44% of the area, which is much larger than 5.61% of the underground mines. The mineral damage caused by mountain paste filling mining can be repaired in time. The sudden increase in the damaged area usually reduces the non-damaged area and increases the extremely severely damaged area. However, during the research period, as coal mining expands outward, there is a phenomenon that the non-damaged area increases and the extremely severely damaged area decreases.


Agricultural Environmental Protection, Blockchain Technology, Metal Mine Paste, Filling Mining Technology

Cite This Paper

Xiulan Wang. Experimental Study on Retardation Characteristics of Metal Mine Paste Filling Materials Based on Blockchain Technology and Farmland Ecological Protection. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Construction (2020), Vol. 1, Issue 1: 43-63. https://doi.org/10.38007/IJETC.2020.010104.


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